The Cost of Work Related Stress,
Addictions and the Solution



Medical Costs

  • Most expensive benefits paid by employers!
Chronic Stress
  • Causes 40% of all employee turnovers. (Bureau of National Affairs)

  • Account for nearly 70% of all Workers’ Compensation Claims. (California Workers Compensation Institute)

  • Stressed employees tend to alienate customers. A study of 100 companies found that a 5% reduction in customer defection translates from 30% to 85% loss in corporate profitability. (Frederick Reichheld & W. Earl Sasser, published in the Harvard Business Review)

  • Stressed employees are 2-times more likely to be absent more than 5-times per year. (American Journal of Health Promotion)

  • Stressed employees are 30% more likely to have accidents. (Harvard Business Review)

  • Costs $200 billion annually (International Survey Research Group)

  • Up to 90% of all doctors visits are directly or indirectly caused by chronic stress. - Newsweek Magazine 2004

    (Stress-related health issues: Pain, insomnia, high blood pressure, lowered immune system, stomach problems including constipation, diarrhea or ulcers, gambling, depression, headaches, marital problems, lack of concentration and much more.)

Excess Weight & Obesity
  • 65% of Americans are overweight and 33% are obese. Obesity is classified as a serious disease. (American Medical Association)

  • 33% of cancer deaths are related to improper nutrition. (American Cancer Society)

  • Heart disease is the #1 cause of death in the United States, while Diabetes is 6th and obesity contributes to both of them. (Network News - Netscape Navigator)

  • Can cause sexual dysfunction, impotence and high blood pressure (American Cancer Society)

  • Can cause blindness, destruction of kidneys and amputation of limbs.

  • Food bill is about 18% higher than a person who is trim. (American Cancer Society)

  • Costs Americans $122.9 billion annually (Obesity in

Smoking & Chewing Tobacco
  • 24% of Americans smoke. The rate in industries such as transportation is as high as 40%.

  • Kills 1/2 million people every single year. More than cocaine, heroin, alcohol, fire, auto accidents, homicides, suicides and AIDS all combined.

  • Tobacco products contain 4,000 chemicals, 401 poisons and 43 known cancer-causing agents. (American Cancer Society)

  • 1 drop of Nicotine will kill average size person in a few minutes (American Cancer Society)

  • Smoking contributes to 10% of all infant deaths, 25% of all low birth-weight, spontaneous abortions, birth defects, stillbirths and premature deliveries.

  • Smokers who smoke one pack of cigarettes per day spend $150.00 or more per month.

  • Costs Americans $157 billion annually (American Cancer Society)

Drugs & Alcohol
  • Drugs: $175 billion annually (President’s Office of National Drug Control Policy)

  • Alcohol: $100 billion annually (National Library of Medicine)

High Productivity = Healthy Motivated Employees
Sophisticated Managers and Executives understand today that productivity gains are directly related to a healthy, motivated work force!
Healthy Motivated Employees = Positive State Of Mind
Managers and Executives understand that effective self-improvement programs only work when there is a positive state of mind!
Positive State Of Mind = Positive Conscious and Subconscious Motivation
Managers and Executives know people must maximize an internal drive to excel!
Positive Conscious and Subconscious Motivation = Positive Motivation Conditioning
Educated Managers and Executives realize that the science of motivational psychology and positive behavior modification works!
Positive Conditioning + Tools = The FREND Group Workshop / Clinics
Managers and Executives appreciate it all starts with a program that has a proven-effective track record that delivers results!
The FREND Group Workshop / Clinics = Free To Employers
A simple call to The FREND Group can make it all happen with no investment.
Higher Productivity = Higher Profits = Executive Rewarded

It's no secret, Managers and Executives advance with increasing productivity


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